Monday, October 31, 2011

C Week- The List

I made a list of C words and activities some time ago when my sister-in-law was starting a letter of the week with her son. It was so nice to just open the document and have the list ready when it was our turn to learn about C. I chose C for us a couple of weeks ago because we spent a week taking a long drive in the car to Colorado for our friend's wedding, which was held at Camp RedCloud. There were just too many Cs to ignore so it made it easy to plan what we would do. A letter of the week may not always work when we're not home, but I figured we might as well give it a shot. We were able to do some things during our trip and did others when we got home. We ended up spending two weeks with the letter C since there were several days when we didn't do any special activities.

Here is what we were able to fit in:

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