Monday, January 30, 2012

Snow Week!

We took a break from having a letter of the week to enjoy some snow fun. Just a snow day wasn't enough so even though our snow didn't last more than a few days, we had a whole week of snow fun. Living in the mountains of southern Oregon, we generally have a very snowy winter. This year has been a little different, though and we have seen very little of the white stuff. I'm sure we'll get plenty of it between now and June (yes, June!), but for the time being, I took the opportunity to do some activities I've been waiting to try with Trip.

Click on the links below to see the full post about each activity.

We enjoyed snow ice cream.

Trip loved spraying the snow with blue water!

We had some sensory fun indoors driving cars in shaving cream "snow."

We used the leftover shaving cream to make "snow" paint.

Trip liked taking cotton ball "snowballs" out of an ice cube tray with these little tongs. He enjoyed putting them back in the tray too. This was a fun activity that allowed him to practice his fine motor skills.

 Finally, I made a penguins in the snow sensory tub as a gift for a little friend of ours.

Check back next week to see our V week fun!

I'm linking up with:

I Can Teach My Child


  1. Mmm, snow ice cream! Yeah, I think I would enjoy a snow week too! :)

  2. Snow week looked fun!! I can't believe you don't have snow yet. I'm hoping we get to sled sometime this year.
    What recipe for snow ice cream did you use? I'm with your sister, I think I would've enjoyed snow week :)
    Love you guys!

  3. I just wanted to let you know I featured you on Blissful and Domestic today. Stop by and Grab a button:>
