Monday, June 4, 2012

Hmm, What's Next?

This spring has been a crazy one for me. As I have mentioned a few times, it has brought a lot of work, which has been good in some ways, but hard in others. I'm very thankful to substitute teach, though, so I am not complaining here. I taught full time in Colorado for four years before Trip was born. I worked at a bilingual school, which was right up my alley. I threw myself into my job wholeheartedly. They were years full of growth, challenge, fun, and lots of learning. I went back to work full-time when Trip was seven weeks old. That was a tough school year, but we made it through. At the end of that year, we moved back to Oregon, and I got to go back to subbing. I get the opportunity to be in the classroom and interact with students, without the planning, grading, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, and staff meetings.

Now, as the school year is coming to a close, I just have a few days of work left. I'm excited to get back to planning fun learning activities for Trip. We have now spent a week (and sometimes more) on each of the letters of the alphabet, so I'm at a crossroads and need to figure out what we're going to do next. I think that we will probably go back to doing a letter of the week in the next few months. Until then, we'll do some little thematic units. Right now, we're doing some general alphabet activities. We will also spend some time focusing on the letters in Trip's name. We have several fun things planned for the summer and I'm looking forward to incorporating those into our learning activities. Daddy will be directing a week of summer camp for high schoolers at the end of July and we get to go along, which will be lots of fun. We also hope to go on a couple of camping trips, do some fishing, take swimming lessons, attend a rodeo or two, and spend a day at the water park. Plus, living in the mountains, we have to take advantage of all the warm weather that we get and spend all the time outside that we can.

I hope you'll join us over the next couple of months for lots of summer fun!


  1. Looking forward to your summer posts! I know you'll come up with some great and fun ideas, you always do! :)

  2. You have such a gift for teaching ... not only Trip but young mothers in need of educational projects, fun activities for their wee ones. One day, as Trip goes off to school, I bet you could have a blog directed to young mothers for ways they can enhance their lives in education, home activities, pastor's wives, and relationship with all elements of womens' lives: Christ, family, community. Thanks Aimee!
