I found this super cute egg carton ant craft and knew Trip would like it. I got out some black paint and cut an egg carton into three-cup sections.
Then, it was Trip's turn to get involved. He liked that I gave him a large paintbrush and had fun getting black paint everywhere including his face, hands, clothes, and the chair.
I finished completely painting one of the ants black and left the other with only the paint that Trip had put on it. Once they were dry, I poked holes into the sides of each ant and inserted some pipe cleaner legs. A little hot glue on the inside anchored them well. The addition of two googly eyes finished off the ants nicely.
Trip is very proud of his ant and keeps showing it to people, saying, "I made that!" He likes to point out his ant and Mommy's ant.
Although Trip wasn't so fond of it, no ant activity would be complete without a snack of ants on a log!
Well he comes by it honestly I guess, I don't much like that snack either! ;)